Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rude Awakening

I was at work the other day. The store had closed for the day and I was picking up a few hours for a little extra cash. I was working at the scale by the window, staring off into space.

I noticed a man crossing the street coming towards the sidewalk in front of the window. He's a middle aged black man, wearing workout clothes and an iPod. He's fucking staring at me.

Goddammit. Mind your fucking business dude. What an asshole. He's just walking towards me, staring like I'm not really human. Jesus Christ. I have feelings, dickhead.

He approaches the window, walks by slowly, then backs up to "talk" to me through the window. What fucking balls this guy has. Backing the fuck up just to get a better look at my tits. Eat shit, buddy. I hope you rot in hell, pervert.

Then he mouths the question, "Are y'all still open?"

Oh. My. God.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even look at him anymore. He must have thought I was retarded because I just slowly looked away from him, ignoring him completely. I had been giving Stink Eye to a jogger who just wanted to know if we were still open to sell him a bottle of water.

I am not 23 anymore.

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