Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Reign of Terror is Over

We gather here tonight to pay tribute to the most depraved, unscrupulous, in-your-face, asshole pirate the world has ever known. He was a badass motherfucker who took no prisoners and never compromised unless forced at gunpoint. He was a thief, a cheat, and a liar. I'm speaking, of course, about my cat Punkin.

Yes, Punkin J. "Poopstain" Morgan III, the Scourge of Ardsley Park (also known around the neighborhood as "That Fucking Cat"), died last night after a short fight with a big car. He was 12 years old. Which is a lot older in cat years.

So we've been crying about it all day and now it's time to party. In honor of my Irish roots, tonight Scott and I are having a good old fashioned wake. We are drinking beer and talking about what a great fuckin' guy that Punkin was. And in honor of Scott's Jewish roots, we're covering all the mirrors and sitting Shiva (but probably just for tonight -- I mean, seriously).

For those of you who knew Punkin, have a drink in his memory. For those who never met this gloriously evil cat, here are a few highlights from the life of a plain orange cat.

1. He was a Texan.

2. My brother-in-law called him The Murderer. Punkin's lifetime kill list includes: lizards, mice, rats, moles, snakes, birds (robins, blue jays, mockingbirds, fucking pigeons!), and too many squirrels to count. One year on my birthday (I swear I am not making this up) he brought me three dead squirrels and laid them in a pile, nose to tail.

3. He never backed down from a fight. I once saw him square off with a mastiff.

4. He used to supervise my baths. One time his tail caught on fire from one of the candles. I put it out before it burned his skin, but it melted the hair on his tail and I had to hold him down, cursing and screaming while I cut it off him. The hair, not his tail.

5. Sometimes, he would just start meowing randomly at 4 am. Nothing would stop him. Asshole.

6. Speaking of assholes, if you didn't pay attention to him when he wanted, he'd slowly and casually back up and put his asshole on the back of your hand or your book or whatever was keeping you from him. It was totally irritating.

7. He was the smartest cat I ever met. He was a problem solver. He figured out how to open doors, tupperware containers, and hook and eye closures for cabinets. We had to keep all our food in locked pantries and cabinets or he'd break in and just help himself to whatever. If he had thumbs, he would have ruled the world.

These are just a few. There are so many others. Like the time my roommate Toby and I watched him throw a dead blue jay in the air for half an hour just so he could "catch" it over and over again. Or the time he stole a cookie twice the size of his head right from the table in front of me when I looked the other way for 2 seconds. Or how he always looked at me like I was the asshole.

So on that note, raise your glass and drink to a hell of a guy who just happened to be a cat. Seize the day and live your life with no apologies. It's what Punkin would have wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Hail Punkin for taking out a few of those fucking pigeons while he roamed the planet causing mayhem.

    I have yet to attain such a level of cool, but I can relate to how often people tend to misinterpret a simple gesture such as putting your asshole on someone's hand.

