Friday, January 16, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Re-- oh, fuck it...

Apparently, Savannah's New Year's Resolution for 2009 is to recycle more. The city, after much pressure from concerned environmental citizens (I totally signed that petition), and much argument about how much it would cost us, finally relented and started a single stream recycling program. Our first pickup is next Wednesday. At first, I was thrilled.

A few weeks ago, a truck that was big enough to make Liam jump and squeal (hey, he's not even 2) rolled through the neighborhood, dropping off sleek, new black and yellow bins, complete with informational packets (god I love informational packets).

How exciting. I've always prided myself on being environmentally conscious. I eat very little meat. I buy fair trade goods and shop mostly from small, locally owned businesses. I even voted for Al Gore. I've just never recycled -- mostly because I've never lived in a place where it was possible. So now that Savannah has joined the 21st century and implemented a recycling program, the ball is in my court.

I was so excited. The helpful informational packet described the utmost in ease. Simply rinse your containers and place them in the bin. Cool.

Wait, what? I have to wash my trash before I throw it away? That's adding a step, isn't it? Oh, shit I'm in trouble.

Yes, my passionate environmentalism has just crashed head on into the brick wall of my laziness.

I can't just put stuff in the bin. That's outside. I need new containers for the house. And even though they said don't separate shit, I can't just dump the tin cans in with the glass beer bottles. And they said no wet cardboard, which means I have to store it in my house until pickup day (EVERYTHING gets wet outside in Savannah). So now, in my kitchen, are 3 new bins taking up valuable kitchen space, and I can't throw anything away without washing it and sorting it carefully into its bin. It seriously makes me want to eat baby seals and drive a hummer while littering.

I can't believe I am washing my fucking garbage. The planet is fucked.

I mean, seriously. I'm one of the eco-minded neo-hippie douchebags, and I'm sitting here at my computer looking at 2 soda cans and a yogurt cup in the living room trash can that I was just too lazy to walk all the way to the kitchen to rinse.

Like everything else in my life, I'm working on it. Until I get really good at recycling, I'll just have to content myself with feeling superior because I don't own a car. In your FACE, Oil Dependency!


  1. Halarious as usual, Michelle! I figure if I wash the yogurt cups half the time and put them in the recycle, that helps. The other half of the time - they are straight into the good old trash.
    LOL on this post. Thanks for the giggle!
